Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Five Tibetans Rites - Student, Teacher & Master Trainer Workshops In Feb/March 09

Expert Teacher - Carolinda Witt (Founder & Developer of T5T - the abbreviation for her safer & supercharged version of The Five Tibetan Rites) is running the following training programs:

T5T Student Workshop
T5T Instructor Training Workshop
T5T Master Trainer Program

Due to the growth of T5T into other countries, and over the internet, I find I am unable to offer as many teacher and student trainings as I would like to.

I have therefore decided to train a select bunch of Master Trainers who will be training our future T5T Instructors in Australia, NZ, Canada, USA and even in China and Europe! This way I can focus on growing the business through the internet and media as well as developing new products and trainings.

We always run a student workshop in the middle of our teacher training programs, and the last one I am possibly running in Australia is in central Sydney on Sunday 1st March 09. I realize it is a long way off, but perhaps that might suit you?

Since the workshop is part of our Teacher Training and Master Trainers program, I am able to offer it to you at a very favorable price - $155 instead of $245!

Sunday 1st March
Start: 9am

Finish: 4.30pm

This price includes your 176 page T5T book (T5T: The Five Tibetan Exercise Rites - Penguin) & Companion CD. If you want to bring a friend, I will give you a free DVD.

You will need to let me know by Monday 27th October if you wish to attend as there are very limited places. You will also need to secure your place with a non-refundable deposit of $50. The venue is likely to be in Crows Nest, North Sydney which is easily accessible by bus, train, etc - and car parking is available on-site.

Instructor Training Program

4 Day Program + Practical Test (1.5 hours)

Sat Feb 28th
Sun 1st March
Mon 2nd March
Tues 3rd March

For more information please contact Carolinda directly info@T5T.com

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Five Tibetan Rites - Teachers Performing 21 Repetitions


In developing T5T (The Five Tibetans & Energy Breathing Program) I was very mindful of the importance that breathing plays in maintaining health and extending life. I was also aware that the original version of the Rites is very basic in its explanation on breathing, saying just 'Take a Few Deep Breaths'.

I therefore consulted a colleague; world renowned breathing expert Michael Grant White to help me develop the breathing philosophy and exercises in T5T. The result was "Energy Breathing" - a variation of the ‘three-part breath.' Energy Breathing expands your breathing capacity, slows down your breathing rate, raises energy in the body and calms your mind.

Mike has a series of breathing tests on his website that you can take for FREE. Over 40,000 people have taken these tests. Now is your chance to find out how well you breathe. Click on this link FREE BREATHING TESTS

He also has a free downloadable E Book on breathing which is incredibly informative and thought provoking.

Poor breathing patterns can seriously affect your physical health as well as your mental and emotional well being.

With a high percentage of raw foods the respiratory system is responsible for eliminating approximately 70% of your metabolic waste. The remainder should be eliminated through defecation 3%, urination 8% and perspiration 19%. So, if you think that going to the bathroom every day is important, or that of working up a sweat now and then is healthy - think again about the value of full free optimal breathing!

To get the most out of any type of healing work and more importantly life - developing optimal breathing habits is one of the most valuable things you can do.

There is more to breathing than just sucking in air once in a while. Click on the banner below and do the breathing tests for FREE.

How good is your breathing?

I wish you all a full, deep, slow, easy breath!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Five Tibetans - FREE POSTER

You are welcome to circulate or give-away this poster that I designed.

I call my version of The Five Tibetan Rites "T5T". This is because I have modified them whilst retaining the integrity of the original version. I have taught thousands of students to do the Rites and many teachers. Here are the differences between the original version and T5T (in brief).

  1. The addition of core stability to each of the Rites. This ensures that the complete spinal colomn is protected and stabilised like the guidewires of a tent. Core stability protects the spine from injury, prevents incontinence, tones the reproductive muscles.
  2. A much bigger focus on breathing. The original Rites just say "Take a Few Deep Breaths". How well you breathe is literally an indication of your lifespan. T5T teaches people how and where to breathe to get the best results. It expands your breathing capacity, removes tension from your breathing, and slows your breathing rate.
  3. A step-by-step strength and flexibility build-up process. Strength is developed from the inside out - so you are not like a 'soft centered chocolate' (metaphor by Susie Lapin, Physiotherapist). Prevents injury or strain and super charges your benefits.
  4. Modifications to prevent collapsing the discs and vertebrae of the spine and neck. Some of the movements are contraindicated for people with a previous injury or natural degeneration. Prevents injury and strain.
  5. All the common problems and solutions so just about anyone can do them.
  6. The use of Affirmations to empower the natural movements
  7. Ascribing each movement to one of the five elements
  8. Modern names that describe the movements rather than No 1, No 2 etc.
I wish you happy spinning and full, natural, deep breath.
